Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Couragous Man

     Russell Bean was in court for mutating his child's ear. He did this because he was not home for several months. When he came back home his wife was pregnant with a child that was not his. As soon as the child was born he cut off a piece of the child's ear so he could tell him apart from his real children. in 1798 Jackson was a judge making his circuit when he stopped in a village to preside over the small Tennessee village's court. His court case with Russell Bean went as follows.  Bean cussed out on the court and ran out of the building with a knife and a pistol. he threatened that anyone who tried to bring him in would get killed by him. When the sheriff failed to bring him in a crowd gathered around. Then the crowd saw a stranger come out of the courthouse wielding two pistols. as he got closer he lowered the guns on Bean and the crowd saw who it was. it was Andrew Jackson the very judge Bean cussed out on. Jackson the tough man who in the face of danger spat on it. Anyway Jackson captured Russell Bean and brought him in to the sheriff. When later asked why he gave up to Jackson Bean said "When I looked into Jackson's eyes I saw shoot. but when he looked into the eyes of everyone else in the crowd he saw no shoot." He thought to himself "It is about time to sing small."And so he did.

Conquerer of Florida

    If you vote Jackson into office he is sure to expand our country. Look at how he went above and beyond when he was asked to remove the Seminoles from Georgia. He conquered all of Florida. By seizing Florida's capitol Pensacola and two other major cities, Jackson had control over the entire state. He added over 52,200 square miles to the country. This show how confident and tough Jackson can be. An amazing leader Jackson once again led his troops to victory over another country. By comquering Florida,the only counties the Spanish had left in the Eastern hemishpere were Cuba and Puerto Rico.